AUGA group

AUGA group, AB, based in Northern Europe, Lithuania, is the largest vertically-integrated
an organic food company in Europe. The group of companies manages approx. 96,000 acres of organically certified arable land and develops a sustainable farming model, based on new technologies, specializing in crops, dairy cows, chicken and mushroom growing.

For us, it is important that our food is organic and produced in a sustainable way. Therefore, we take particular care of the land, do not contaminate it with any chemicals and preserve biodiversity.
We follow a closed-loop organic farming principle – our activities supplement each other. Crops are used for cattle feed and straw goes to mushroom compost. Livestock manure is used to fertilize crops and make compost. Later, it also becomes fertilizer for crops.

We naturally enrich the soil through crop rotation and feed it with only organic fertilizers. This way, the land becomes more fertile and resistant to erosion, so that we can proudly leave it to future generations.
Today the most pressing global problem is climate change and agriculture is responsible for almost a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions, globally. At AUGA we are committed to addressing this problem, we measure our emissions, set specific reduction targets, and have a strategy to achieve them.

Laurynas Miškinis
Ekologinių produktų ir komercijos vadovas


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